High Caliber Guns and Optics

We are South Carolina's largest Q dealer

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"Magic Ain't Cheap"

We make suppressor ownership easy



We make owning a suppressor as easy as it gets. We use the latest electronic submission directly to the ATF using eForms. We take care of everything. So, let us show you how easy it is to own a suppressor. Once you shoot suppressed, you will never want to do it any other way. Imagine not having to use hearing protection or take the chance of permanently damaging your hearing.    


We can help you see in the dark 

Optics - Night Vision and Thermal


We have some of the absolute best Night Vision and Thermal Optics on the planet. Being able to see in the dark can give your hunt a new dimension. With the explosion in popularity of varmit hunting and the availablity of depredation permits, you can finally hunt at night. Our optics will change how you hunt. Come by and let us show you how.